by the sea
stingers & seachange

[stingers]       [seachange]

[ S T I N G E R S ]

Prompted by real life experience, Stingers is set in Melbourne and focuses on Undercover Police Work. It's pretty basic really. Each episode one of the cast [Anita Hegh, Peter Phelps, Ian Stenlake, Kate Kendall or Roxanne Wilson] will go undercover and flush out the criminal and bring him to justice.

This drama his very underrated in the TV World, although this year nominated for several "Outstanding" Logies perhaps the series could be on the rise. With such talents as Anita Hegh and Peter Phelps, not to mention the rest of the cast. We wonder how much longer the show can go on unrecognised for the high quality that they produce each week.

However, what remains to be questioned is the fact that there are only five members of the team and each one of them has been undercover so many times without being caught out. It's hard to believe really, but that's television and of course "Seeing is believing" and we all just tend to look over that fact.

One of the higher quality Australian drama's being produced at the moment we wonder why Channel 9 are making us wait for the next season to air, but like all executives I guess they have their reasons.

[ S E A C H A N G E ]

Perhaps the best Australian drama to be produced to date. The highest ever rating ABC series. Fantastic cast, and who could forget the characters?

Seachange is set in the seaside town on Pearl Bay, which, is where we are introduced to this fantastic show when Laura Gibson [Sigrid Thorton] gathers up her most-unwilling children and escapes from city life after her husband is arrested for fraud. Along the way she learns the quirks and eccentricities of the towns people and slowly she begins to learn the true meaning of family. This isn't of course without many helping hands and hindrances along the way.

Of course in true Drama style there no shortage of romantic interludes along the way, of course everyone remembers Diver Dan, Warwick & Max. But not only dealing with her new loves, Laura has to cope with her "cheating, lying, back-stabbing" ex-husband and sister and her illegitimate child.

Laura, however isn't the only one to get a piece of the action. There's Karen & Angus, who, are from the very first episdoe "on a break" but then sometimes they're "on a break from their break." However, and I don't think it's a problem if I give it away, they do get married in the end in true Karen style.

If the Karen-Angus saga isn't enough for you, there's Harold & Meredith, with Harold's ex-wife. There's Miranda & Craig, Bob & Heather, Carmen & Max, Kevin & Phrani... If that's not enough entertainment for you, there's always the antics of the "never-seen but commonly heard about" infamous Bucket.

Again I must say, perhaps the best Aussie drama yet.